Chinese Exam

Congratulations to all our Form 1, 2 and 3 students who passed Level 1 of the Youth Chinese Test (YCT) at the end of last term, gaining a formal qualification in Chinese, after their first year studying the language. The YCT is the official test of Chinese language proficiency administered by the Confucius Institute and Hanban (the Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language). Congratulations to Nashmoon Sheena who earned the highest mark, 190 out of 200, and Eleanora Deemer and Ruya Hameed who both scored 188, well above the pass mark of 120. Students moving in to Form 2 and 3 will take YCT 2 this year.
Four of our students also took part in the 9th Chinese Bridge at the start of the holidays, a Chinese proficiency competition organised by Hanban and held at BMICH. Over 50,000 students from all over the world entered the competition, with the winners of the preliminary rounds travelling to China for the finals. Anishka Fernandopulle, Malaika Sequeira, Amber Tappin and Samantha Tappin sang a Chinese song, Xin Yuan, which means ‘wish’.
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