School Life


Assembly takes place four mornings a week with a class, club or subject performing a sketch, making a presentation or organising a game.

Assembly is the arena for most students to take their first steps on stage. Every child in the Junior School, from Early Learners upwards, takes part in Assembly once a term so all rapidly feel at home performing in front of a crowd.

Life Studies
Every week at the Senior School, a guest speaker comes to speak as part of our Life Studies programme. We greatly value our relationships with the wider community and consider ourselves very fortunate that so many distinguished speakers are willing to give up their time to visit us. Our students have had the opportunity to listen to ambassadors, the heads of UN agencies and NGOs, leading business people, Sri Lankan MPs, authors, sporting stars and many others.
Theme Days
Encouraged to dress for the day in their national costumes, the Junior School is full of sarongs, saris, kimonos, kilts, shalwar kameez and lederhosen. The flags represented by the different nationalities within the school are paraded onto stage before each group of nationals offer a greeting from their respective countries. The students learn the importance of global harmony and are spoilt for choice when sampling food from all over the world! WhizzBangTechniTastic is another annual event enjoyed at the Junior School. It is an action-packed day of IT and Science-related experiments, with students involved in a whole range of activities designed to help them appreciate the significance of these subjects in their everyday lives. Festivals from each of the major religions are celebrated every year through Assemblies and other events so that the children learn about the traditions and beliefs of all their friends in school. A particular highlight are the biennial Avurudu festivites that include traditional New Year food, costumes and games such as kotta pora (pillow fights) and bunnis kema (eating buns with no hands). The Senior School has an annual event that gives parents the opportunity to find out what their children have been studying and see some of the best work they have done over the year. Hosted in successive years by the Arts, Science, Maths, Information Technology and English Departments, there are a series of presentations, debates and sketches on the stage and interactive displays and projects in the classrooms, as well as games and food stalls to make it a fun day for people of all ages.
My school

The small class sizes here help me to get to know all the children I teach and to give them the individual attention they need to enhance their learning experience.

Ms. Theodoro Junior 1 Class Teacher from Brazil

As a teacher at Moir and past student of Mrs. Moir, I can confidently say that she is one of the most experienced and dynamic educators in the country. We were all so proud when this was recognised with the award of an MBE by the Queen.

Mrs. Adamaly Oxford graduate and Head of Maths.

The wonderful thing about Moir is that students make friends across forms, creating an almost family-like atmosphere.

Steffan 5th Moir student at Harvard in 8 years

Moir's openness to new initiatives enables me to implement ideas which aim to bring out the best in students.

Mr. Van Twest Physics, Sports and Leadership Teacher from Australia

When I wanted to study Music at A Level, the school made sure this was possible, even though it had never been done here before. This is typical of the Moir attitude.

Katie will be studying music in the United Kingdom

Nothing beats the feeling of being part of the Moir Football team that won the prestigious Inter-International Schools Football tournament in 2014. One of the proudest moments of my school life!

Takaharu Head Prefect and all-round sportsman

The teachers helped me overcome my stage fright and now I enjoy every opportunity I am given to act, dance and sing on stage.

Upekha Upekha has won the Class Prize every year that she has been at School and the Best Manners prize twice.

I love all the sports and activities that we can take part in, especially Football Squad. It's a privilege to represent the School in squads and to play against other Schools.

Jack Jack was Best All-Rounder in Junior 1 and Junior 5 has won an academic prize every year that he has been at School.

The small student body means that you can take part in any club you choose, and discover new talents and skills you never thought you had.

Felix Felix has won the Class Prize every year he has been at the school