Events News

Whose Life Is It Anyway?

A flurry of publicity in print media, on the radio and online meant this year’s Senior School Play was hotly anticipated. Although the play is over thirty years old, its theme could not be more current, with euthanasia a very topical issue and legislation on assisted suicide having been passed or under discussion in many countries. Presenting these arguments on stage was no easy task for a young cast but they successfully portrayed both the play’s humour and its deep engagement with serious issues.

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The Russian Cultural Centre was, as ever, packed out for the Junior School Play, with both nights sold out well in advance. The audience was treated to a hilarious modern version of the story of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, including a host of unusual characters from Bill Gates to Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles. Among many great jokes were the narrator’s suggestion to Robin that his ‘nom de plume’ should be Atlas Chooty Gel Pen and the Bishop of Nottingham’s palace looking suspiciously like Loxley Manor because the backstage crew could not be bothered to change the set.

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‘Then & Now’ – Art and Design Exhibition


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