
Our teachers come from 14 different countries and bring with them teaching experience backed by tertiary qualifications from Oxford, Cambridge, Hardvard and Yale. A wonderful sense of teamwork exists in both schools with teachers working together to help get the best out of students and to share ideas about how to teach a particular lesson or get the best out of a certain pupil. This stimulates all the staff to strive for the very highest standards in all areas of school life.

Continuity is a key reason for this success. We are fortunate that the majority of both our local and expatriate staff have been at the school for a long time. This promotes consistent leadership, facilitates long-term planning and means that both teachers and senior members of staff know every student and what they are capable of. When a child establishes a rapport with a particular teacher, they can rely on that teacher being there throughout their time at the school to encourage and support them.

Our in-house training seminars succeed in keeping teachers abreast of the latest developments in the field of education. These regular workshops, which include an Induction Week at the start of each academic year, provide an ideal opportunity for teachers to learn from one another, and help to strengthen the team dynamic.

Junior School Staff

Our Junior School staff comprises a mixture of local and expatriate teachers, all of whom are experienced and qualified in their fields and passionate about educating young minds.

Please click here to see who does what at the Junior School

Senior School Staff

All full-time teachers at the Senior School have university degrees in their specialised field. Their varied backgrounds mean that different teachers have experience of different teaching methods and the latest developments within different education systems. This leads to a tremendous fusion of the best practice from different countries and makes the school a wonderfully exciting place to teach and learn.

Please click here to see who does what at the Senior School